ICM Week 1 - Documentation

08 Sep 2015
courses, documentation, icm

Instructions for the assignment

I started by drawing some lines on a piece of paper, which turned into shapes. Then I added a reindeer. Rudolph, we'll call him. But I didn't have the patience to draw antlers, so imagine an elderly, bald rudolph. Perhaps one that looks like the guy in this scene.

Here's my code, with comments

function setup() { createCanvas(540,750); } function draw() { background (239, 239, 228); //mountains fill (201, 182, 201); triangle(150, 500, 330, 75, 510, 500); triangle(20, 500, 200, 75, 380, 500); fill (255, 255, 255); triangle(320, 100, 330, 75, 340, 100); triangle(190, 100, 200, 75, 210, 100); //tree tops fill (114, 170, 91); triangle (150, 550, 200, 400, 250, 550); triangle (250, 550, 300, 400, 350, 550); triangle (350, 550, 400, 400, 450, 550); //tree stumps fill (151, 115, 37); rect (180, 550, 40, 40); rect (280, 550, 40, 40); rect (380, 550, 40, 40); //bald rudolph ellipse(250, 650, 75, 35); ellipse(207, 636, 20, 20); line(230, 665, 230, 680); line(270, 665, 270, 680); line(287, 648, 297, 643); line(202, 632, 203, 632); fill(255, 0,0); ellipse(196, 636, 3, 3); }
  • Email: coblezc@gmail.com
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